10 Signs Your Horse Needs Their Teeth Floated

As we near the end of National Pet Dental Health Month remember….

Equine dentistry is not just about “floating” teeth. Dentistry is a veterinary discipline that, besides treating the mouth and teeth, also includes the associated structures of the head – for instance the sinuses – and the effect of dental diseases on the health of the rest of the body.

That is why all horses should have a veterinarian perform an oral and dental examination at least annually (or more frequently based on the needs of the individual horse.)


Remember: just because your horse is not showing any obvious symptoms of dental disease, it does not automatically mean that all is well with your animal's oral health. Horses simply adapt to their discomfort and most horses with dental problems will show no noticeable signs at all, until the disease is a serious source of pain and infection that can affect the animal’s overall health.

Some common signs that may indicate that your horse needs a dental exam and float are:

  • Dropping feed
  • Not wanting to eat hay/grain
  • Quidding (dropping large chucks of hay)
  • Tilting head to one side or the other
  • Increased salivation
  • Losing weight
  • Asymmetric swelling (can be soft or hard)
  • Resistant in on side of the bridle
  • One sided nasal discharge with odor
  • Bad odor coming from the mouth

Give Carolina Equine Hospital a call today to discuss  scheduling a dental examination for your equine friend, and prevent more painful and costly problems later!


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